Monday, October 25, 2010


If I continue to write this blog, which I probably won't, the reader (if anyone is reading) may soon come to understand my view of humanity. I see humanity as a lot of sadists who inflict pain upon each other for the fleeting, momentary gratification of power - a temporary salve to dull the pain of the sadism previously inflicted upon them by others.

Having worked in a porn store, this is my view. Having been to a Christian church, this is my view. Having been to college, this is my analysis. And having had a sociopathic parent, this is my intuitive understanding.

However, I do belive that one can escape from the constant cycle of oppressor and oppressee by choosing to reject participation in it. Perhaps the outlet is temporary, but I'm not a determinist without hope, either. Our ability to think, to examine and monitor our own behavior, and more importatnly, our desire to do so is our only way out.

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