Monday, October 25, 2010

Virginia Thomas and Anita Hill

It is a sign of the times and an indication of the "critical mass" saturation of right wing ideaology that Virginia Thomas feels justified in asking Anita Hill for an apology. Surely the right wing will understand and support Mrs. Thomas in her grievance, and right-wing women will identify with a "wronged" wife: One who, rather than lay the blame on her husband where it belongs and risk his disapproval and possible abandoment of her, chooses to blame Anita Hill, the recipient of sexual harassment. Mrs. Thomas' identification of herself as the victim of the liberal "persicution" of Ms. Hill's (viewed as a the liberal menace: a black, educated, college professor and feminsit role-model) self-indulgent and and anarchy-ladden is evidence of the "blaming the victem" mentality that self-justifies and reassures the fascist's ideology and emotional self. Only in a fascist America could the public support Mrs. Thomas' demand for subserviant compliance from a woman her husband victimized through psycho-sexual intimidation. And I'm willing to bet the fact that Ms. Hill had the courage and stregnth to resist, to fight back, is an undermining threat and unfulfilled wish that burns at Virginia Thomas with a particular heat.

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